- Every pupil must attend school regularly. Absence from school for reason other than illness or serious unforeseen circumstance will not be excused.
- A student who has been absent on the previous day will not be permitted to attend class without the permission of the Principal.
- A student suffering from any kind of communicable disease should not be sent to school.
- A student who has recovered from any contagious disease should produce a doctor’s certificate of fitness to resume the classes.
- Leave may be granted by the Principal on a written application from the parent.
- Students are required to make up the work missed during the period of their absence.
- Re – Examinations / Re – Tests will not be held for the students who remain absent in any of the Examinations or Tests.
- Leave for half day should not be asked for security reasons. in case of emergency if a student needs to go out of the school premises, Parents should come to school to collect their child.
- Students must bring the books required daily. They must bring tiffin from home. After a student enters the school, the staff at the gate will not accept books, stationery or tiffin to be handed over to any student.
- 75% attendance is compulsory for the students from classes IX-XII and 80% attendance is needed for others. Admit Card and Promotion is liable to be refused if they fail to meet this criteria. Students having 100% attendance will receive Merit Certificates.